
The Diva is Back!

Hello Diva di Cucina followers! It’s been awhile. Almost 2 ½ years to be exact. Yikes! My sincere apologies for the complete lack of posting. You may be wondering why such a long hiatus. Well the truth is, life happened. I work full time and try to be the best wife and mom for my family as I can. That will always take precedent as much as I love being able to blog. In addition to those roles my son plays sports about 10 months out of the year. I coach two of his teams and am team parent for three of his teams. Plus, I took on the role of room parent in his class last year. I have no idea what I was thinking! I am crazy. So yeah, no exciting stories, I’ve just been living life and trying to be as involved in it as I possibly can be. Life is too short to half ass it, I try to take on an “all in” approach. It certainly makes for a busy life, but it also makes for a really rewarding one.

When I started this blog over 6 years ago I originally intended it to just be a way to share recipes with families and friends. I had no idea that within a short time I would have over a thousand followers. I loved that I had found a way to connect with so many amazing people and from all over the world. I am looking forward to getting back to that.

I have never been one to make resolutions at the start of a new year but this year I wanted to make a commitment to myself, a commitment to try and get back to blogging on a more regular basis. Why you might ask, because I truly love it. I love connecting with people over the love of food and cooking. So there you have it. I may not be able to keep up at the pace I did when Diva di Cucina originally launched, but I will certainly do my best to share quality recipes and posts with you… more than every 2 years. I kid!

I knew I couldn’t come back to the same old blog. It had to be refreshed, a new look and feel. I created a brand-new logo and revamped the entire website. I wanted a look that reflected my style, something feminine and rustic. Working on the redesign got me excited about the relaunch of Diva di Cucina, a fresh start per say. The look of the page is much cleaner and I have improved the navigation. I hope you all like it!

My apologies for the long write up, I just felt that in coming back after such a long break I owed you all an explanation. I am looking forward to the future of Diva di Cucina and I hope you are too!

If you like following along on my adventures in the kitchen, perhaps you would like to also consider following me on Instagram and Facebook. On both pages you will see more frequent quick posts and it gives me an opportunity for some fun chats in the comments.

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